During this time we have remained opened with every precaution to make sure our work environment is safe for our staff and customers.

For three generations, Sheahan Printing has provided its customers with high-quality Offset + Digital Printing with exceptionally reliable service.

Sheahan Printing goes Solar!

As of the Spring of 2020, Sheahan Printing, in an effort to reduce our carbon footprint, is operating 100% by solar power!

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Sheahan now making Face Shields!

With the effort to assist local hospitals with PPE, we have transformed part of our manufacturing facility and to date have produced over 40,000 Face Shields.

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We are Rhode Island's largest Union printing company!  Non-Profit Organizations  I  Corporate Printing  I  Political campaigns

We have been providing union label printing to non-profit organizations, corporations and political campaigns since 1941. We understand the demands a political campaign has during a hectic, compressed and ever-changing political season, and make every effort to exceed your quality and delivery expectations.  With decades of experience, we can consult with you to determine the best print vehicles to convey your important message.

Lawn Signs | Door Hangers | Mailers | Brochures


Short Run Digital Printing for Fast Turnaround.

When you only need a small number of items, and you need them yesterday, we are pleased to offer the highest quality digital printing at affordable prices.

Our Digital Printing service offers full-color output at near offset-press quality for small print runs up to 13" x 30", with all of the professional bindery equipment to finish the job right.  

Reinforce Your Brand Marketing

We are excited to offer a complete line of custom imprinted promotional premiums.

We not only offer the traditional line of products such as pens and coffee mugs used by your sales team, we have access to thousands of very unique products that run the gamut from low-cost items to higher-end leather products for corporate gift ideas.  We are happy to sit and review options with you before your next tradeshow or corporate gift-giving event.

Useful Resources

If you require addition information or have any questions,
call us at (401) 769-9200 or send us an email.